
Monday, 30 March 2015

Opinions Bottle Rockets


Walt : Know that other people might take a different judgement form the same information

 This Presentation is about who likes bottle rockets. Our tasks was to put ourself into other people's shoe and think if you were them would you like bottle rockets. For an example : Say that you don't like bottle rockets beacause them boring, on the other hand your little brother is five years old and he likes rocket and outer space, so probably like bottle rockets. Then you put yourself in your brother's shoes and think like him would you think he likes bottle rockets or dislikes bottle rockets , because from Me I don't like bottle rockets and I think their boring.   


Our Task today was to know that other people might take a different judgement from the same information.Our Instructions today was to read the instructions our teacher had on our site : 
First we had to read the instructions carefully.
Second we had to read our school journal our teacher gave us.  
Third we had to find two words and definitions for the vocab padlet. 
Fourth we had to complete the presentation that our teacher made for us 
Fifth last and not least post it on your blog 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

The Hoku le'a and hikianalia Powhiri

On Wednesday 25th of March, we were getting ready to go down to Pt England beach to see the 2 waka ‘s come. We had lined up and Mr Burt was praying then the little kids went and so on.

Soon our turn came and we went to the beach but the grass was wet, so we had to take the path. So we started to walk out of the hall and headed through the main gate towards the beach. While we were walking towards the beach I saw lots of other school come to the beach.

After walking for 4 minutes we arrived at the beach and went to sit down in our area. We sat on the wet grass waiting for two waka’s to come. But when we got there one, of the waka’s was already there. After a minute or two the other waka came so we standed up, then mini boat went out and the people on the waka got on the waka and came to shore.  

Afterwards all the schools from manaiakalani sang a few songs. My Favourite part was when the people form the waka sang there song. The people that came came out of the waka were Hawaii people.

Opinions Sharks Day

Opinions Shark Day


Walt : Know that other people might take a different judgement from the same information.   

This is a presentation about Opinions about Sharks. On the Presentation is about people like Colin the Surfer. For an example : Colin is a 16 years old Surfer. He spent most of his time in the water. He loves the ocean and ocean life. Sometimes he sees sharks when he surfs. I think Colin likes sharks. 

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Camp Recount

    Walt : Organise my ideas into paragraph and link them together.

Have you ever camped on a School field ?
Because the year 5 and 6s have camped at School. If you don’t know what camping on a school Field is then read on to find out. Read my next paragraph.

About Camp :
Camp is for three days.On the first and second day we have activities. On the last day we went  Mangere pools for the whole day and went home at three o'clock.On the first night we got to watch a funny and sad movie, it was mostly funny. Every year two days before camp the teachers let us know what groups we are in. Our Camp leader ‘s were : Zackariah and Yvonne. They are the ones who made our Chant.

Highlight One :  
My First favourite highlight was top town with Mr Jacobson. But Mr Jacobson said that it wasn’t called top town it was called killer Zone. In Killzone is was Cool because of all the miniature activity in it. My favourite part in it was when we had to fill the Water balloons and chuck them at the other team. When we went to fill the water ballons, Me, Ukura and Roimata went to the Girls’ toilets filled some of the  water balloons but in the water didn’t go in the balloon it went on Me and Ukura.

Highlight Two :
My  favourite highlight was :
Basketball. Basketball, Rollerblading and Table tennis were all held in the hall where we started camp. The First thing we did when we got there was pratice our performance for the Concert on thursday night. After praticing our performance we got to have fun. The First thing I did after pratice was table tennis. It was cool and fun.

Conclusion :
I can’t wait until next Camp. Cause it’s going to be totally Awesome. Some of the Activities that I’m looking forward to are Kayaking, Killzone, Get Lost, Cooking and Basketball.  

Our Instructions were to write a recount about your favourite experiences on camp. We had to write our introduction using these three sentence types : 1 Simple sentence, 1 Question and 1 complex sentence. Our 1st body paragraph had to tell our reader all about the detail of camp, then our 2nd and 3rd body paragraph had to be about on highlight per paragraph. Then Our Conclusion that sums up how you felt about camp.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Year 5/6 Camp

Walt : Make connections across a wide range of texts.

Today I visited Gloria's blog. Gloria could pretty soon explode with excitement.
What Gloria was looking forward to the most was going to the lagoon. 
Swimming was one of the things Gloria liked to do, so that why Gloria was excited to go to he Lagoon.
Camp isn't as exciting as it sounds, Gloria was actually quite worried about the camp concert. Gloria was not really a fan of performing.Being a good Camp leader is what Gloria needed to be, taking care of her team and being responsible too. 

Guess What Camp is tomorrow !!! 
Gloria's blog post has made me extremely Excited. Now I total Excited.
Hi I'm Alisha and I 'll like to make a shout out to Gloria !!! 

Our task was using Google search find a blog post by an older student at pt England school about the year ⅚ camp. Then We had to Create a new blog post.We had to summarise the Authors thoughts about camp in their blog post.Our other task was to write the Authors thoughts in 1 paragraph.Then we had to link the authors blog post to your blog post, then we had to give a shout out to the Authors on our own blog. And last of all we had to leave a comment on the Authors blog.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Newspaper tower challenga

The Newspaper Challenge

WALT: Write a detailed introduction with hook and orientation.

Well this morning I thought it was just going to be a normal day then all of a sudden my teacher Mr Goodwin tells us to put our net books away. I was confused weren't we supposed to be doing our writing? Find out by reading along what happened.

So I finally found out what we were doing, we were having a newspaper challenge I was excited. Our literacy teacher handed out our materials like masking tape, scissors, and newspaper but the hard thing was that we only had 8 minutes to build a tall tower out of newspaper I thought it would be impossible. If we won the challenge we would get a prize and you had to only be in a group of 5 or 4.

The 8 minutes had started and I was startled in fact our whole team was our team all helped out we were sticking things together, cutting things and obviously making things. During the 8 minutes my team was feeling really good then all of a sudden our teacher calls out 3 minutes left, we were putting the finishing touches together it looked pretty good but were we safe. There were only ⅖ teams that had actually finished my team (Team Talita) and (Team Rosalina) our teacher came over to Rosalina’s team first I thought our team had lost their measurements came out at 57.5 and then it was our turn our came out at 58 we had won.

When our team won I was surprised and happy, our team had won. I actually learnt something it was that teamwork can be the easiest solution to making someone else happy. It was a good feeling knowing that we won as a team.

Task description: This is my recount about the newspaper challenge My task was to write a recount about the newspaper challenge we had in class, with detail and orientation. I learnt that teamwork can unlock anything and anywhere.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

My Toy Story Form 2012

Here is Alisha's Toy Story animation that she has created this term using Hyperstudio. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Problem Solving

Walt : Split numbers to solve addition and subtraction problems.

Our task was to split number to solve addition and subtraction problem.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Problem Solving


Walt : use a tidy tens number strategy to solve problems up to 100.  
Our task was to complete and share on our blog. We had to make sure that our answer were clear. 

River talks

What Nice memories about Omaru Creek.
Omaru Creek used to be full of people, it used to be nice, clean, and a cool river.River talks is a program that helps clean disgusting rivers.Yes We need to clean our River. What can we all do to help the poor river ?  

Screenshot 2015-03-03 at 10.37.33.png
By Heather

WALT  : Write a detailed introduction with hook and orientation. 

Our Instructions were to Watch the video with our teacher. Our Task was to write an introduction that is both interesting and attention grabbing to your reader.It had to outline the direction of our writing as well. 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Problem Solving Qusestion

Walt: split numbers to solve addition and subtraction problems   

Our task on this presentation was to answer the questions, with our own Solutions.We had to Remember that our solutions needed to show all our thinking.Then after we answer the Questions, we could make the presentation look pretty.